
Lithium BatteryElectronics ApplicationPhotoelectric Display AdhesiveTransportationOther
Smart phone
We continue to explore new application possibilities to provide rigorous adhesive solutions
Notebook computer
We are based on the actual needs of notebook computers, to provide you with professional adhesive application solutions.
According to the different functional requirements of tablet, we provide you with professional adhesive application solutions.
Wearable devices
With professional standardized adhesive technology, we provide professional adhesive application solutions for different wearable devices.

?2020 Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd.
Add:Aozon Industrial Park, Keji Road, Shijie Town, Dongguan City
Tel: +86 769 8638 4222(8888)
Fax: +86 769 8638 4222(8080)
E-mail: sales@dgaozon.com
Aozon New Material Technlogy(Shaoguan) Co., Ltd.
Add:No.5, East Ping'an Avenue, Zhuji Industrial Park, Nanxiong, Shaoguan
Tel: +86 769 8638 4222
Fax: +86 769 8638 4222(8080)
E-mail: sales@dgaozon.com

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+86 769 8638 4222(8888)
+86 133 8019 9909
Aozon Industrial Park, Keji Road, Shijie Town, Dongguan City

Product Center
?2020 Dongguan Aozon Electronic Material Co., Ltd. All rights reserved




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